Kathy's Corner Shop has provided Chesapeake Bay-themed gifts and decor since 1996. We are located on the corner of South Main and West Street in the center of town.

As we have grown, many area artists and craftsmen have partnered with us to provide unique items and an ever-changing look to our 100+ year old shop. In addition to jewelry, recycled, refurbished furniture, prints as well as original paintings, and hand-crafted wooden signs, we offer eye-catching garden signs, wind chimes and solar lamps, gourmet foods, and autographed books by local authors.

We have won numerous awards over the years and have made giving to the town, county and bay our mission for 25 years. Kathy’s has given to local charities, churches, schools, hospital, fire departments and clubs.  We are grateful that our community cares about its residents and participates in raising money by putting on festivals, fund raisers, and parades.

We care about the Chesapeake Bay and work with companies that contribute to its health by planting oyster beds throughout the bay.

Unity  and support for our community are key for us, and we happily ship to our numerous out-of-town visitors.

Stop by when you have a chance and please Like us on Facebook.



  • Caring for the Chesapeake Bay and working with companies to contribute to its health by planting oyster beds throughout the bay. #SaveTheBay
  • Partnering with brands who provide us with merchandise and in turn they are publicized by Kathy’s Corner Shop and earn money in return. #ShopCecil
  • Supporting and Unifying for our area. #CommunityCares
  • Connecting with our community on social media. #KathysCornerShop


We’re at the head of the Chesapeake Bay between two major cities in a unique position of revitalizing and protecting our Downtown Communities.

At A Glance…

  • Community Building
  • Positivity & Giving
  • Customer Service
  • Economic Impact
  • Accessibility
  • Inclusivity & Diversity

Main Street Maryland

We’re a part of Main Street Maryland, a program of the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development strives to strengthen the economic potential of Maryland’s traditional main streets and neighborhoods.

Support Community

Small businesses give back (more) to your community and small businesses make a major economic impact. For example, we’re working to protect our beautiful bay area. Plus, it’s the American way!

Customer Service Excellence

Small business owners strive to survive and one of the biggest advantages they have over large retailers is the ability to provide more personable, hands-on, and memorable customer service.

Feel Better!

Would you rather feel the pang of guilt buying big brand items or help support your local mom n’ pop shop? Say “hey” and get to know the owner who’s paying taxes to keep your neighborhood in tip-top shape.